Sabtu, 28 Maret 2009


Diposting oleh wir@_7
expr:id='"post-" +'>

Cigarette have chemical compound like tar, nicotine, and etc. Cigarette make from tobacco and rolled by special paper and have filter. The cigarette that not have filter called cretec. In Indonesia, cigarette have contribution in the country in come from tax. According the historian, cigarette frist used by indian people in America to their ritual.

Many people agree with smoking is beneficial, because with smoking they can lost their stress. They feel after smoking become more spirit and brave.
However, the other people disagree with smoking is beneficial.Smoking can cause many dermage for the active smoker and the passive smoker. For the active smoker, smoking chemical compound of cigarette can cause many disease, example : cancer, heart attack, impotence, and etc. The other opinion, smoke of cigarette not only damage for active smoker but also damage for passive soker. Why ?, because smoke of cigarette have carbon monoxyde that can cause trouble to body.
So, us a result of this controversy, many people smoking to lost their aress nd increasse their spirit. However, soking can cuse many damage for the active smoker and the passiv smoker.

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